Evaluate the workshop: Early Warnings: What signals should a manager pay attention to in order to properly take care of psychological comfort?

  • Evaluate the workshop: Early warnings: What signals should the Leader pay attention to in order to properly take care of psychological comfort?


    The purpose of the survey is to get feedback from the participants of the workshop "Early Warnings What signals should the Leader pay attention to in order to properly take care of psychological comfort?" held on May 13, 2022. We would like to know your opinion on the quality of the training, the content covered and overall satisfaction.

    Read the following questions related to training and answer honestly according to your beliefs.

    The survey is anonymous.

    Thank you in advance for each completed survey  -  Pracownia Rozwoju Team :)

  • 1. How would you rate the workshop in general? *

    Kliknięcie aktywuje pytanie.
    very poorly
    1 10 10

    very well
  • 2. How do you rate the usefulness of the skills/knowledge acquired during the workshop? *

    Kliknięcie aktywuje pytanie.
    definitely not useful

    definitely useful
  • 3. Evaluate the individual elements of the trainer's performance

    Marzena Jankowska

    Kliknięcie aktywuje pytanie.
    overall I rate very low

    overall I rate very high
    does not use attractive forms of work

    use attractive forms of work
    low commitment, lack of kindness and enthusiasm

    high commitment, kindness and enthusiasm
    low substantive competences

    high substantive competences
  • 4. What haven't we asked yet that you would like to add from yourself?

    The answer is not obligatory, but we would be grateful for sharing your opinion :)